Uniting Cryptocurrency and CBDC: Exploring the Interplay and Future Possibilities
Finance News

Uniting Cryptocurrency and CBDC: Exploring the Interplay and Future Possibilities

Iran unveiled its first quantum computer… which turned out to be a €700 developer board you can buy on Amazon
News on usiic

Iran unveiled its first quantum computer… which turned out to be a €700 developer board you can buy on Amazon

Microsoft has taken a dominant position in the field of AI and intends to keep it

Microsoft has taken a dominant position in the field of AI and intends to keep it

YouTube now allows everyone to participate in the parent program: reduced the limit of 500 subscribers and 3000 hours
News on usiic

YouTube now allows everyone to participate in the parent program: reduced the limit of 500 subscribers and 3000 hours

Crypto bot secures $200 million instant credit and earns $3.24
News on usiic

Crypto bot secures $200 million instant credit and earns $3.24

Biggest wildfire in Canadian history and yellow smog in New York

Biggest wildfire in Canadian history and yellow smog in New York

Who is the best soccer player in the world

Who is the best soccer player in the world


Digital news report Reuters 2022


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How many people in the world, each country separately