on usiic

Publish and earn on USIIC.CO

Do you want to make money online?
Publish content (articles, stories, poems, videos, photos, pictures, etc.) and earn

This site was created based on the efforts of people just like you. 

People who had no experience in writing articles, but decided to start writing and share their opinions and experiences with other people.

Get income for what you will be read, watched! We pay for views of your articles (posts)!


You do not need to have any relevant experience or have any particular qualifications, but it is desirable to have a creative mind and be aware of trends, so to speak, “be on trend”.

Creation of articles (posts)

When creating posts (articles), try to make it interesting for the reader.
To help you, let’s share some secrets. 
The articles that our readers love the most are the articles that are original and new.
Which describe something ordinary but in an unexpected way. 

And also, about unsolved mysteries, hidden knowledge (things that most people do not know), delusions and just really amazing general knowledge about anything – science, technology, etc. Humor, articles about animals, travel, cars are also popular.

You can also post your poems, stories, essays, novels, detective stories and so on.

After your article is approved, it will be great to share it on VK, Facebook, Twitter. This will significantly increase your income.

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You will receive  a constant income  for each published post (article). The more views – the more your income, so do not forget to send links to your articles to friends, share links on social networks, forums.

  • No limit on the number of published articles!
  • The article must be author’s, the higher its uniqueness, the higher the chance of becoming published.
  • No limits on maximum income!

Publish and earn on usiic.co

Payment Methods

Output methodMinimum withdrawal amount
WebMoney WMZ +%? 10000 UASTCOINs
VISA, MASTER cards+%? 10000 UASTCOINs
PayPal +%$10 % – 10000 UAST.

Payout rates

SideRevenue per 1000 views
Australia1000 UAST.
 Luxembourg1000 UAST.
 Germany1000 UAST.
 Canada1000 UAST.
 Finland1000 UAST.
 United Kingdom1000 UAST.
 United States1000 UAST.
 Austria980 UAST.
 Poland900 UAST.
 Sweden900 UAST.
 Ireland880 UAST.
 Denmark880 UAST.
 Singapore880 UAST.
 South Africa880 UAST.
 All other countries800 UAST.

When registering, do not forget to fill in information about yourself and indicate the details for accruing your income .

You can ask all questions in the community News USIIC

Greetings ! I am the founder of the usiic.co platform since 2022, I am also the editor-in-chief, I hope you will find the usiic platform useful, in which I have invested a lot of time and effort. I am interested in many areas, and on the blog I share my impressions, advice and experience. I would be very grateful if you rate my post and share yours: https://usic.co

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