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Official website of Academician of Ecology Valery Dudyshev, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Perpetual electromagnetic motor-generator

This article is devoted to the development and description of the operating principle, designs and electrical circuit of a simple original “perpetual” electromagnetic motor – a generator of a new type with an electromagnet on the stator and only one permanent magnet (PM) on the rotor, with rotation of this PM in the working gap of this electromagnet.



The problem of creating perpetual motion machines has been exciting the minds of many inventors and scientists around the world for many centuries and is still relevant.

Interest in this topic of “perpetual motion machines” on the part of the world community is still huge and growing, as civilization’s needs for energy grow and in connection with the rapid depletion of organic non-renewable fuel, and especially in connection with the onset of a global energy and environmental crisis of civilization. When building a society of the future, it is certainly important to develop new energy sources that can meet our needs. And today for Russia and many other countries this is simply vital. In the future recovery of the country and the coming energy crisis, new energy sources based on breakthrough technologies will be absolutely necessary.

The eyes of many talented inventors, engineers and scientists have long been drawn to permanent magnets (PM) and their mysterious and amazing energy. Moreover, this interest in PM has even increased in recent years, due to significant progress in the creation of strong PM, and partly due to the simplicity of the proposed designs of magnetic motors (MD).

How much energy is hidden in a permanent magnet and where does it come from?

It is obvious that modern compact and powerful PMs contain significant hidden magnetic field energy. And the goal of the inventors and developers of such magnetic motors and generators is to isolate and convert this latent PM energy into other types of energy, for example, into mechanical energy of continuous rotation of a magnetic rotor or into electricity. Coal, when burned, releases 33 J per gram, oil, which in 10-15 years will begin to run out in our country, releases 44 J per gram, a gram of uranium produces 43 billion J of energy. A permanent magnet theoretically contains 17 billion joules of energy. per one gram. Of course, like conventional energy sources, the efficiency of the magnet will not be one hundred percent; moreover, a ferrite magnet has a lifespan of about 70 years, provided that it is not subject to strong physical, temperature and magnetic loads, however, with such an amount contained in If you don’t have energy, it’s not that important. In addition, there are already serial industrial magnets made of rare metals, which are ten times stronger than ferrite ones and, accordingly, more efficient. A magnet that has lost its strength can simply be “recharged” with a strong magnetic field. However, the question “where does PM come from so much energy” remains open in science. Many scientists believe that energy in the PM is continuously supplied from the outside from the ether (physical vacuum). And other researchers argue that it simply arises in itself due to the magnetized material of the PM. There is no clarity here yet.


There are already many patents and engineering solutions in the world for various designs of magnetic motors – but practically no such operating MDs in the “perpetual motion” mode have yet been shown. And until now, “eternal” industrial magnetic motors (MD) have not been created and mastered in series and are not being implemented in reality, and even more so they are not yet on open sale. Unfortunately, the known information on the Internet about serial magnetic motor-generators from Perendev (Germany) and Akoil-energy has not yet been confirmed in reality. There are many possible reasons for the slow real progress in metal MD, but apparently there are two main reasons: either due to the secrecy of these developments, they are not brought to mass production or due to the low energy performance of pilot industrial samples of MD. It should be noted that some problems of creating purely magnetic motors with mechanical compensators and magnetic screens, for example, curtain-type MDs, have not yet been completely resolved by science and technology.

Classification and brief analysis of some well-known MDs

  1. Magneto-mechanical magnetic motors Dudyshev /1-3/. With their design improvements, they may well operate in “perpetual motion” mode.
  2. The Kalinin MD engine is an inoperable reciprocating MD with a rotating magnetic shield – MD due to the spring compensator not being brought to the correct design solution.
  3. The “Perendev” electromagnetic motor is a classic electromagnetic motor with a PM on the rotor and a compensator, inoperable without a commutation process in the areas where the dead points of holding the rotor with the PM pass. Two types of commutation are possible in it (allowing you to pass the “holding point” of the PM rotor – mechanical and electromagnetic. The first automatically reduces the problem to a looped version of SMOT (and limits the rotation speed, and hence the power), the second is discussed below. In the “eternal” mode engine” cannot work.
  4. The Minato Electromagnetic Motor is a classic example of an electromagnetic motor with a PM rotor and an electromagnetic compensator that ensures that the magnetic rotor passes through the “holding point” (according to Minato, the “collapse point”). In principle, it is simply a working electromagnetic motor with increased efficiency. The maximum achievable efficiency is approximately 100% inoperable in the “eternal” MD mode.
  5. The Johnson motor is an analogue of the Perendev electromagnetic motor with a compensator, but with even lower energy.
  6. Magnetic motor-generator Shkondina is an electromagnetic motor with a PM, operating on the forces of magnetic repulsion of the PM (without a compensator). It is structurally complex, has a commutator-brush assembly, its efficiency is about 70-80%. Inoperable in perpetual MD mode.
  7. The Adams electromagnetic motor-generator is essentially the most advanced of all known – an electromagnetic motor-generator that works like the Shkondin wheel motor, only on the forces of magnetic repulsion of the PM from the ends of the electromagnets. But this motor-generator on the PM is structurally much simpler than the Shkondin magnetic motor-generator. In principle, its efficiency can only approach 100%, but only if the electromagnet winding is switched with a short, high-intensity pulse from a charged capacitor. Inoperable in the “eternal” MD mode.
  8. Dudyshev electromagnetic motor . Reversible electromagnetic motor with an external magnetic rotor and a central stator electromagnet). Its efficiency is no more than 100% due to the open circuit of the magnetic circuit /3/. This EMD has been tested in operation (photo of the layout is available).

Other EMDs are also known, but they operate on approximately the same principles. But nevertheless, the development of the theory and practice of magnetic engines in the world is still gradually progressing. And particularly noticeable real progress in MD has been observed precisely in low-cost combined magnetic-electromagnetic motors using highly efficient permanent magnets. These closest analogues, so important for the world community, are prototypes of perpetual magnetic motors and are called electromagnetic motor generators (EMG) with electromagnets and permanent magnets on the stator or rotor. Moreover, they actually already exist, are continuously being improved, and even some of them are already being mass-produced. Quite a lot of messages and articles have appeared on the Internet about their designs with photos and their experimental studies. For example, effective, already tested in metal, relatively low-cost Adams electromagnetic motor-generators are known /1/. Moreover, some of the simplest designs of combined EMDGs have even already reached serial production and mass implementation. These are, for example, serial electromagnetic motor-wheels of Shkondin, used on electric bicycles.

However, the designs and energy of all known EMDGs are still quite inefficient, which does not allow them to operate in the “perpetual motion machine” mode, i.e. without external power source.

Nevertheless, there are ways of constructive and radical energy improvement of the known EMDGs. And it is these more energetically advanced versions that can cope with this difficult task – completely autonomous operation in the “eternal” electromagnetic motor-generator mode – without consuming electricity at all from an external source, that are discussed in this article.

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This article is devoted to the development and description of the operating principle of the original design of a simple electromagnetic motor-generator of a new type with an arc electromagnet on the stator and with only one permanent magnet (PM) on the rotor, with polar rotation of this PM in the electromagnet gap, which is fully operational in the “ perpetual engine-generator.”

Previously, and partially, this design of such an unusual polar EMD in a different reversible version has already been tested on the existing prototypes of the author of the article and has shown operability and fairly high energy performance.

Description of the design and electrical circuit of the modernized EMDG

Fig. 1 Electromagnetic motor-generator with a PM on the rotor, an external AC electromagnet on the stator and an electric generator on the magnetic rotor shaft

A simplified design of an electromagnetic motor-generator (EMG) of this type and its electrical part are shown in Fig. 1. It consists of three main units – a direct MD with an electromagnet on the stator and a PM on the rotor, and an electromechanical generator on the same shaft with the MD. The MD device consists of a stator static electromagnet 1, made on a ring with a cut-out segment or on an arc magnetic circuit 2 with an inductive coil 3 of this electromagnet and an electronic current reverse switch connected to it in the coil 3 and a permanent magnet (PM) 4, rigidly placed on the rotor 5 in the working gap of this electromagnet 1. The rotation shaft of the rotor 5 of the EMD is connected by a coupling to the shaft 7 of the electric generator 8. The device is equipped with a simple regulator – an electronic switch 6 (autonomous inverter), made according to the circuit of a simple bridge semi-controlled autonomous inverter, electrically connected at the output to the inductive winding 3 electromagnets 2 and along the power supply input – to an autonomous power source 10. Moreover, the reversible inductive winding 3 of electromagnet 1 is included in the AC diagonal of this switch 6 and along the DC circuit this switch 6 is connected to a buffer DC source 10, for example, to a battery ( AB) The electrical output of the electric machine generator 8 is connected either directly to the windings of the inductive coil 3, or through an intermediate electronic rectifier (not shown) to a buffer DC source (type AB) 7.

The simplest bridge electronic switch (autonomous inverter) is made on 4 semiconductor valves, contains in the arms of the bridge two power transistors 9 and two uncontrolled contactless switches of one-way conductivity (diodes) 10. On the electromagnetic stator 1 of this MD there are also two position sensors 11 of the PM magnet 5 of the rotor 6, near the trajectory of its movement 15, and simple contact sensors of magnetic field strength – reed switches – are used as a position sensor of the PM magnet 5 of the rotor. These position sensors 11 of the magnet 4 of the rotor 5 are placed in quadrature – one sensor is placed near the end of the solenoid with the poles and the second is shifted by 90 degrees (reed switch relays), near the rotation path PM5 of the rotor 6. The outputs of these position sensors 11 PM 5 of the rotor are reed switches the relays are connected through an amplifier logic device 12 to the control inputs of transistors 9. A payload 13 is connected to the output winding of the electric generator 8 through a switch (not shown). In the electrical circuit of the switch 6 and the power supply circuit of the coil 3 there are protection and control elements, in particular automatic switch from the DC starting unit to full power supply from the electric generator 8 (not shown).

Let us note the main design features of such a MD in comparison with analogues:

1. A multi-turn, economical low-ampere arc electromagnet is used.

2. Permanent magnet 4 of rotor 5 rotates in the gap of arc electromagnet 1, namely by the magnetic forces of attraction and repulsion of PM 5. Due to a change in the magnetic polarity of the magnetic poles in the gap of this electromagnet when cyclically switching (reversing) the direction of the current in coil 3 of electromagnet 1 from switch 5 to command of the position sensors 11 PM of the magnet 4 of the rotor 5. We also note that it is advisable to make the rotor 5 massive from a non-magnetic material in order for it to perform the useful function of an inertial flywheel.

Reversible electromagnetic motor with external PM on the rotor

In principle, a reversible version of the EMD design is also possible, in which a rotor with a permanent magnet PM on the rim is placed outside the electromagnet. Previously, such a version of a reversible EMD was developed, created and successfully tested by the author of the article, back in 1986. Below, in Fig. 2, 3, a simplified design of such a previously tested EMD, described earlier in the author’s articles /2-3/ is also shown.

The design (incomplete) of a prototype of the simplest EMD with an external permanent magnet on the rotor and with the EMD stator electromagnet removed is shown in the photo (Fig. 3). In reality, the electromagnet is placed normally in the center of a cylindrical dielectric non-magnetic transparent cylinder with a top cover on which the rotation shaft of this EMD is mounted. The switch and other electrical components are not shown in the photo.

Fig.2 Reversible EMDG with external MF magnetic rotor (incomplete design)


1. permanent magnet (PM1)
2. permanent magnet (PM2)
3. ring rotor EMD (PM1,2 are rigidly placed on the rotor)
4. winding of a stationary stator electromagnet (independent suspension)
5. magnetic circuit of the electromagnet
6. position sensors PM rotor
7. rotor shaft (on a non-magnetic bearing)
8. spokes of the mechanical connection of the ring rotor and with its shaft
9. support shaft
10. support
11. magnetic force lines of the electromagnet
12. magnetic force lines of the permanent magnet The arrow shows the direction of rotation of the rotor 3

Fig.3 Photo of the simplest EMDG layout (with the electromagnet removed)

 Description of the operation of an “eternal” electromagnetic motor-generator (Fig. 1)

The device – this perpetual electromagnetic motor – generator (Fig. 1) works as follows.

Starting and accelerating the EMDG magnetic rotor to a steady speed

We start the EMDG by supplying electric current to the coil 3 of the electromagnet 2 from the power supply unit 10. The initial position of the magnetic poles of the permanent magnet 4 of the rotor is perpendicular to the gap of the electromagnet 2. The polarity of the magnetic poles of the electromagnet arises in such a way that the permanent magnet 4 of the rotor 5 begins to rotate on its axis of rotation 16 , magnetic forces, attracted by their magnetic poles to the opposite magnetic poles of electromagnet 2. At this moment of coincidence of the opposite magnetic poles of magnet 4 and the ends in the gap of electromagnet 2, the current in coil 3 is turned off at the command of the magnetic reed relay (or the sine wave of this current passes through zero) and by inertia, the massive rotor passes this dead point of its trajectory together with PM 4. After this, the direction of the current in coil 3 is changed and the magnetic poles of electromagnet 2 in this working gap become identical with the magnetic poles of permanent magnet 4. As a result, the forces of magnetic repulsion of like magnetic poles – the permanent magnet 4 of the rotor and the rotor itself receive an additional accelerating torque acting in the direction of rotation of the rotor in the same direction. After reaching the position of the magnetic poles of the PM rotor – as it rotates – along the magnetic meridian, the current directions in coil 3 are again changed at the command of the second magnetic position sensor 11, the reversal of the magnetic poles of electromagnet 2 in the working gap again occurs and the permanent magnet 4 again begins to be attracted to the opposite magnetic poles of electromagnet 2 closest in the direction of rotation in its gap. And then the process of accelerating the PM 4 and the rotor – by cyclically reversing the electric current in the coil 3 by cyclically switching transistors 8 of the switch 7 from the position sensors 11 of the PM rotor – is repeated cyclically many times. Moreover, at the same time, as PM 4 and rotor 5 accelerate, the frequency of reversal of the electric current in coil 3 automatically increases, due to the presence in this electromechanical system of positive feedback through the circuit through the switch and position sensors of PM 4 of the rotor.

Note that the direction of the electric current in coil 3 (shown by arrows in Fig. 1) changes depending on which of the transistors 8 of the switch 7 is open. By changing the switching frequency of the transistors, we change the frequency of the alternating current in the coil 3 of the electromagnet and, accordingly, we change the rotation speed of the PM 4 of the rotor 5.

CONCLUSION: Thus, for a full revolution around its axis, the permanent magnet of the rotor almost continuously experiences a unidirectional accelerating torque from the force magnetic interaction with the magnetic poles of the electromagnet, which causes it to rotate and gradually accelerates it and the electric generator on a common rotation shaft to a given steady speed rotation.

Direct method of electrical control of the stator electromagnet winding EMDG depending on the position of the PM rotor

An additional innovation to ensure this method of controlling the winding of the electromagnet 3 MD with alternating current of the required frequency and phase directly from the output of the alternating current electric generator in steady state operation is the introduction in such a system of a magnetic motor – electric generator parallel resonant LC circuit – in the circuit there are two inductances – from coil 3 and stator winding of the generator and additional electrical capacity; introduction of an additional electric capacitor 17 into the output circuit of the electric generator 8 to ensure its self-excitation and subsequent electrical LC resonance, to reduce electrical losses and for extremely simple control of inductance 3 with alternating current with the desired phase of voltage and current directly from the generator 8.

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Fully autonomous mode (“perpetual motion machine”) EMDG

It is quite obvious that in order to ensure the operation of this device in the “perpetual motion” mode, it is necessary to obtain free energy from the permanent magnets of the rotor sufficient for the electric generator on the EMD shaft to generate the electricity required for this completely autonomous operation of the system. Therefore, the most important condition is to ensure that the magnetic rotor of this MD has a sufficient torque in order for the electric generator on its shaft to generate a sufficient amount of electricity, which would be more than enough to power the electromagnet coil, and for the payload of a given size, and to compensate for various inevitable losses in such an electromechanical systems with PM on the rotor. After spinning up PM 4 and the rotor reaching 5 nominal speeds, we switch the power supply to coil 3 directly from the electric generator or through an additional voltage converter, and we either turn off the starter source of electricity altogether or switch it to recharging mode from the electric generator on the shaft of this EMD.


This important condition for the operation of the MD in the “perpetual motion” mode can only be met if at least six conditions are simultaneously met:

1. the use of modern strong niobium permanent magnets in the MD, which provide maximum rotational torque of such a rotor with minimal dimensions of the PM.

2. the use of an effective ultra-low-cost MD electromagnet circuit on the MD stator due to the extremely high number of turns in the electromagnet winding and the correct effective design of its magnetic core and winding.

3. the need for a starting device and a starter source of electricity to start and accelerate the MD with power supply to the electromagnet coil from the switch.

4. correct algorithm for controlling the electric current in the electromagnet winding in direction and magnitude depending on the position of the PM rotor.

5. coordination of electrical parameters of the electric generator and the electromagnet winding.

6. the correct algorithm for switching the power supply circuits of the electromagnet winding when connecting the electric generator circuit to the power supply circuit of the electromagnet winding and transferring the starting source of electricity, for example a battery, from the discharge mode to its electrical recharging mode.


Let’s consider the algorithm for switching the electric current in the coil in the presence of one strip magnet on the EMD rotor per revolution of the rotor (Fig. 3). To ensure efficient operation of this EMD (design Fig. 1) using combined diagrams of the rotor position and the direction of current flow in winding 3 stator electromagnet 1. As follows from these diagrams, the essence of the correct control algorithm for electromagnet 1 EMD is that one full revolution of the PM rotor, the electric current in the inductive winding 3 of the electromagnet makes two complete oscillations.. That is, simply put, the frequency of the electric The current supplied to the winding 3 of the electromagnet 1 by means of an electronic commutator attached to it, controlled by commands from the PM rotor position sensors, is equal to double the rotor rotation frequency, and the phase of this electric current is strictly synchronized with the position of the PM rotor. EMD. Since the commutator switches the direction of the current in winding 3 (current reverse) occurs strictly at the magnetic equator of the PM when the magnetic poles of the PM and the magnetic poles of the ends of the magnetic core coincide in the working gap of the magnetic core 2 of electromagnet 1, then as a result, for one full revolution of the PM rotor, it constantly experiences accelerating unidirectional torque, twice due to the attraction of opposite magnetic poles of the ends of the magnetic circuit of the electromagnet and the PM rotor, and twice due to the magnetic repulsive forces of their like magnetic poles.

Fig. 4 Time diagram of the operation of the electronic commutator for reversing the current in the winding of the stator electromagnet for one revolution of the PM rotor

Fig. 5 Cyclogram of the alternation of magnetic poles in the electromagnet gap for one revolution of the PM rotor of the EMDG

To explain the operating algorithm of the EMD electromagnet:

3.4 – magnetic poles of the ends of the arc magnetic circuit 2 of electromagnet 1
A coil with winding 3 is placed on the magnetic circuit 2 of electromagnet 1
9. rotor magnet The arrows show the direction of rotation of the rotor with the PM and the numbers in the squares show the picture at different positions of the rotor

Fig.6 Design of the simplest EMDG model based on an inductive electric meter

Selection and calculation of elements and equipment for “eternal” EMDG

This section of the article briefly discusses important issues and fundamentals of the design and selection of the main elements of the EMDG – permanent magnets, the EMD electromagnet and the electric generator, on which the normal operation of the EMDG in the “perpetual motion generator” mode depends.


The detailed selected and calculated design parameters of the current EMD layout, permanent rotor magnets and the parameters of the original electromagnet are not yet fully disclosed in the article (KNOW-HOW). The author is interested in business proposals for cooperation from investors for the development, design and production of this pilot industrial sample of this effective electromagnetic motor-generating device according to the customer’s specifications for a given power.


Anyone who is quite familiar with the principle of operation and structure of an electromagnet probably knows that an electromagnet attracts foreign PM or metals precisely at direct current. Moreover, many of its output parameters, for example, the lifting force of the electromagnet and its power consumption, and, therefore, efficiency (in the sense of energy efficiency watts/kg of the load it lifts), are determined mainly by the design, magnetic characteristics of the magnetic core and the parameters of the electromagnet winding and the size of its working gap

It is known that any magnetic circuit has a magnetic hysteresis loop, and that its magnetic energy is determined by the product BxH, where B is the magnetic induction and H is the coercive force.

In the case of our EMD, there are cyclical intervals of its operation in time, during which a constant current flows through the electromagnet winding when electric current is supplied to the electromagnet winding from the electronic commutator. That is why the well-known method for calculating direct current electromagnets is also quite applicable to this electromagnet.

Approximate calculation of an electromagnet .

Let’s set the traction force of our electromagnet on the order of 100 N = 10 kg and calculate approximately some design parameters of this electromagnet with a working gap of the electromagnet of the order of 1-2 cm. The traction force em developed by the electromagnet is calculated by the formula obtained on the basis of the energy balance (energy formula). Under conditions of uniform distribution of induction in the working air gap, this formula is transformed into Maxwell’s formula:

Using the main magnetization curve for low-carbon steel, we find the average value of magnetic intensity c in the steel of the magnetic core. c = 600. With the correct design of an electromagnet, it is possible to achieve the maximum strength of the magnetic force interaction of its magnetic poles with the strong permanent magnets of the EMDG rotor with a minimum of power consumption by the winding of this electromagnet, which provides excess power on the shaft of our electromagnetic EMDG.

On the choice of permanent magnets for the “eternal” EMDG rotor .

The most important elements of this “perpetual motion machine” device. Of course, there are permanent magnets, which essentially are the source of energy for this entire system. Therefore, the performance of this system and its energy performance depend on their correct choice. Permanent magnets are characterized by three main parameters: residual magnetic induction Br, coercive force Hc and energy product BH.

Br determines the magnitude of the magnetic flux. If magnets with higher magnetic induction are placed in the generator, then the voltage on the windings will proportionally (roughly speaking) increase, and hence the power of the generator.

Hc determines the magnetic voltage. If magnets with a higher coercive force are placed in the generator, the magnetic field will be able to overcome large air gaps. And it will be able to “maintain current” in a larger number of stator blades. When converting an industrial generator to permanent magnets, there is usually nowhere to wind additional turns, so the increased coercive force is useful when making homemade generators with a stator that does not have iron. To “break through” significant air gaps you cannot do without a large Hc. Rare earth magnets are leaders in this indicator. BH is calculated per 1 m3 of magnets. This product is less than just the product of Br and Hc. By the value of BH one can judge how small the dimensions of the magnetic system will be.

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Now about what types of magnets there are. To make homemade magnetic motor-generators, it is advisable to use only two types of magnets: ferrite, which are used in speakers, and the currently most powerful REM (rare earth metal) magnets made of neodymium. Their approximate characteristics are as follows (note that the spread of parameters is very large, some average figures are given):

  • Ferrite-barium magnets:4500 kg/m3; Br = 0.2 – 0.4 T; Hc = 130 – 200 kA/m; BH = 10 – 30 kJ/m3; price 100 – 400 rub/kg; maximum temperature 250 degrees.
  • Ferrite-strontium magnets:4900 kg/m3; Br = 0.35 – 0.4 T; Hc = 230 – 250 kA/m; BH = 20 – 30 kJ/m3; price 100 – 400 rub/kg; maximum temperature 250 degrees.
  • REM magnets Nd-Fe-B:7500 kg/m3; Br = 0.8 – 1.4 T; Hc = 600 – 1200 kA/m; BH = 200 – 400 kJ/m3; price 2000 – 3000 rub/kg; maximum temperature 80 – 200 degrees.

If you calculate the cost of one cubic meter of magnet and then divide it by BH, by the number of joules stored there, it turns out that barium magnets are two times cheaper than neodymium magnets in terms of the cost of energy available in the magnets. But this gain is “eaten up” by the large dimensions of the generator and the heavier winding and iron. Therefore, using expensive neodymium magnets in a homemade electromagnetic motor-generator is quite profitable. And as they become cheaper, neodymium magnets become out of competition.

Selecting the type of electric generator for use in “eternal” EMDG

The question arises – which electric generator should I choose for use in this unusual electromagnetic motor-generator? For example, at the stage of its actual prototyping? It is quite logical to take for these purposes, apparently, a standard automobile electric generator with a ready-made semiconductor rectifier, a control system and a unit for coordinating its parameters with the parameters of the on-board automobile battery (AB) and the rotation speed of the PM rotor of the EMD.


The design of an eternal electromagnetic motor-generator with an alternating current electromagnet described in this article can also be made on a direct current electromagnet without an electronic commutator and without its electromagnetic reversal of the magnetic poles of the ends of the electromagnet in the working gap due to reversal of the direction of the current in the electromagnet coil.

This significantly simplifies the electrical and electronics of this EMDG, but in return requires the introduction into its design of a rotating magnetic screen with a mechanical magnetic field switch on the magnetic rotor shaft, which ensures synchronous screening of the magnetic fields of the stator and rotor at the right moments in time, as the magnetic rotor rotates for ensuring unidirectional electromagnetic torque of the PM rotor. An animation of it working is shown below.

Description of the design of Dudyshev’s curtain “eternal” EMDG

This eternal electromagnetic MDG consists of a stator stationary ring electromagnet 1 with a winding 6 on a magnetic core 1 with a working gap, a magnetic rotor on a permanent magnet 9 and a disk with curtains – magnetic screens 2, with an external location of the curtain rim relative to the PM rotor and independent rotation concentric with him. In addition, on the common output shaft of this electromagnetic motor there is a flywheel 5 and a reversible electric motor-starter-generator 7, and on the stator electromagnet 1 there is an inductive winding 6, electrically connected through a rectifier to the inductive windings of the electric starter-generator.

Description of the work of Dudyshev’s curtain “eternal” EMDG

This perpetual motor is started from an electric machine 7, connected by a common shaft 10 with a PM rotor 9 and a disk 2 with curtains – magnetic screens, after which this electric machine goes into generator mode.

The operating algorithm of such a MD must ensure the interconnected movement of the shutters on disk 2 and the rotor magnet 9 so that when rotating the magnetic rotor 9 and the shutter disk 2 with magnetic screens, provide cyclic magnetic shielding of the same magnetic poles 3,4 of the stator electromagnet 1 (or arc magnet) from the same magnetic poles of the magnetic rotor 9 at the moments of their passage through the PM rotor.

Those. it is necessary to ensure by technical means such mutual movement of the magnetic rotor 9 and the disk with shutters 2 that these magnetic screens-shutters appear exactly between their like magnetic poles of this stationary electromagnet stator 1 and the rotor magnet 9 at the moment when the like magnetic poles of the stator and rotor PM coincide –magnets.

When the rotor magnet 9 self-rotates in such a curtain MD, an electromotive force – Faraday emf will be induced in the inductive winding of the electromagnet and the winding of the electric generator 7, which will be used to generate electricity for external electrical consumers (not shown).

Let us note the possibility of two operating modes of the electric machine 7 after the shutter MD enters the steady-state operating mode:

1. When the rotor of the electric motor 7 is forced to rotate, it can work electrically. generator
2. In the case of electrical connection to it – motor 7 – windings of inductive winding 6 – it operates in the mode of an electric motor-generator, transmitting torque to the common shaft 10 of the shutter MD.

Eternal electromagnetic motor-generator on a conventional inductive electric meter

The easiest way to implement a simple working prototype of such a “perpetual” electromagnetic motor is on a conventional inductive electric meter. The design of such an inductive electric meter already has a ready-made electromagnet with a multi-turn inductive winding and a non-magnetic rotor, i.e. we already have almost everything that is needed for the full-fledged design of our eternal MD except for the commutator and permanent magnets on this rotor. The design of this inductive electric meter is shown in Fig. 6. Due to the small gap between the upper and lower parts of the magnetic core of the standard voltage transformer of this electric meter, a significant magnetic field strength is achieved in this gap, which helps to increase the torque of the permanent magnets of the rotor, in contrast to the MD design with polar rotation these PM rotor. Naturally, this working gap in the magnetic core must be sufficient in height for the passage of the rotor with the PM placed on it as it rotates. As permanent rotor magnets, we recommend using 3-6 strong disk magnets based on niobium alloys, no more than 10 mm high, with them rigidly fixed to the rotor in special non-magnetic cages. An electronic switch in the form of an autonomous bridge inverter is connected to the outputs of the electromagnet winding, and the switch receives power in the EMD start-up mode from a small-sized battery (not shown in the figure).

Comparison of the energy efficiency of Dudyshev’s electromagnetic motor-generator with analogues – Adams and Shkondin EMDG

In the indicated analogues of Adams and Shkondin EMDGs, in order to rotate the permanent magnets of the rotor, their pulsed electromagnetic repulsion is carried out at the moment they pass over the poles of the electromagnets. .And the rest of the time, when the PM rotor rotates, these coils operate in generator mode, producing electricity, which is returned to the on-board battery. As a result, on a significant part of the trajectory during rotation, the rotor PM experiences braking, and due to this imperfect algorithm for controlling the stator electromagnets, the rotor PM does not receive sufficient torque, i.e. its latent magnetic energy is underutilized. Therefore, on serial Chinese electric bicycles, and on other electric bicycles with an electromagnetic motor-wheel Shkondin, the maximum speed is limited to a speed of only about 25 km/h. This arises because, simultaneously with working in motor mode, they begin to simultaneously work in generator mode, i.e. The rotor PM actually begins to slow down. In our electromagnetic motor-generator with an electromagnet there is no such braking mode, since due to the correct algorithm for controlling the electromagnet winding, the PM of the magnetic rotor experiences a continuously accelerating torque from both magnetic forces of repulsion and attraction – the PM of the rotor and the magnetic poles of the stator electromagnet, since the frequency switching (reversing) of the current in the electromagnet winding is twice the rotation speed of the PM rotor. Therefore, the PM rotor in the proposed version of the EMDG operates at full strength and magnetic forces continuously twist the PM rotor, unlike the Shkondin wheel motor and unlike the magnetic Adams generator motor. The EMD shaft is loaded precisely by a standard rotation electric generator. However, if you replace this standard electric generator with an original electric generator with PM on the rotor and with bifilar inductive stator windings, it is possible to significantly eliminate the effect of back emf and significantly reduce the mechanical load on the EMF shaft.


1. Original electromagnetic motor-generators have been proposed and developed in terms of design and electrical parts, some of which have already been previously tested.

2. The energy performance of the proposed electromagnetic motor-generator with an alternating current electromagnet is significantly higher than that of compared analogues due to the much more complete use of the latent internal magnetic energy of the permanent magnets of the rotor. Therefore, the specific power on the magnetic rotor shaft of such a proposed EMDG will be much (many times ) higher than in the well-known combined EMDGs of Adams and Shkondin.

3. It is the proposed EMDG that is capable of operating in the “perpetual motion” mode, since an electromagnetic motor with a PM on the rotor generates excess mechanical power on the shaft, and the required electrical energy for the operation of its electromagnet is produced in excess by an electric generator located on its shaft.


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Date Literature: 12/03/2007
Author Literature: Valery Dudyshev

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