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Ways to Get Backlinks for Your Website for Free

When promoting an English-language site or a resource oriented to the USA, England, Canada and Australia, special attention should be paid to backlinks, they must be of high quality and effective.

However, not everything is as simple as it seems, there are many pitfalls. Therefore, in order to understand everything, we will try to answer the following questions:

  • Where to get links?
  • What are the methods to get them?
  • What resources can help with this?

In this article, we will look at 25 ways to help you get backlinks for English-oriented sites.

You need to understand how each method works. All of them are discussed below. Methods are arranged in descending order of importance in promotion.

1. Niche directories

Most businesses have their own directories. Among them are both paid and free. At this link – directoriesdatabase.com/niche-directories.aspx you can find a considerable list of such resources. On them, you can write descriptions of companies and leave back links to promoted sites.


  • Each directory must have a unique description.
  • The link must be anchorless, anchors cannot be used.

Where to find niche directories?

Here everything is almost elementary, it is enough to turn to the search engine. In Google enter the following queries:

  • listofnichedirectories.
  • paid niche directories.
  • free niche directories.
  • niche directories.

In addition, it will be useful to conduct a search with the addition of a keyword on the subject of the promoted resource to the query. For example, “directories list + niche name”.

In fact, there are many more search methods and each is good in its own way. However, the above will be enough to form a full-fledged base and work with it. The main thing is to select high-quality resources, they should not be spammed.

Select the right ones and start posting data.

2. Posting via HARO

This service is actively used by webmasters, and hence optimizers. You can go to the link – helpareporter.com. What makes this service normal:

  • We specify our criteria for projects.
  • Turn on notifications.
  • Content, if necessary, can be prepared for a specific topic.

This gives us everything we need:

  • Getting an opportunity.
  • Confirmation.
  • Content creation.
  • Placement of a link in it.
  • Publication.

For effective work, basic knowledge of using the service is sufficient. New opportunities will come to the mail daily. It might look like this:

We just act and get our links.

3. Press releases

There are special services, like i-newswire.com, through which we can send out press releases, and with a high degree of probability they will be on top resources.

Here is a list of proven services that you can work with:

  • i-newswire.com.
  • Prurgent.com (may be on GoogleNews).
  • Prlog.org.
  • Prweb.com.

These services give us paid and free features. Naturally, it is better to use paid ones, they give more return.

However, the following factors also affect the return:

• Written text.
• Title (very important).
• Information occasion.

In a press release, we must place a link to a resource that covers a certain news item in the text.
It is better to visit such sites first and see examples of quality press releases, and then make your own. It is imperative that you analyze the most successful ones in order to understand what brought them to the TOP and, if possible, introduce such technologies into your project.

4. Add video

Take a video. It can be done in a learning format. Then, you need to deal with the placement of your videos.

If you don’t want to manually fiddle with each video, you can use oneload.com or something similar.

Here is an example of a list of video directories that you can upload videos to directoriesdatabase.com/video-submission-sites-list.aspx.

Few people are engaged in placing their videos in such directories. But in vain, it can very quickly give backlinks from fairly normal resources.

5. Adding infographics

Infographics should also be actively used. In the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, there are quite a few resources on which it can be placed. However, there are a lot of them in the English-speaking segment.
Where to look for such resources?

• Open search.
• Enter –infographic submition list.
• Try submit/add infographic.

As a result, we get an impressive list of sites. We filter out the spammy ones and start publishing.

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Most of the best infographic directories are paid add-ons. Fortunately, the prices are quite modest, and the effect is good. A good list can be viewed on the site – directoriesdatabase.com/infographic-sites.aspx.

6. Web 2.0 sites

There are many such resources. There are at least 500 normal ones among them. You can search for such sites using the following services:

• Checkusernames.com.
• Namechk.com.
• Knowem.com.

On found web 2.0. sites will need to register, create a description of the promoted resource and provide a backlink.

Recoil improvement is affected by:

• Quality, not fast work.
• Gradual addition.
• Each description must be unique.

Thanks to this, the weight of the promoted site will increase, there will be more links.

7. Listings of companies

With local promotion in the English-speaking segment, this moment is very important. In addition, it affects the growth of the position of the resource in the search results. If you want to do everything automatically and save more time, use the service – moz.com/local.

The company recently acquired the getlisted.org service, improved it and re-released it under its own brand. Before registering, we can see the list of sites available to us to add in the desired region.


Everything is easy:

• Enter the name of the company.
• We specify zipcode (you can find it in the same Google by the name of the city).
• Get publication options.

There are actually a lot of resources where you can post a description of your sites and get backlinks, several hundred.

8. Direct Guest Article Publishing

Thanks to this method, we can not only give the site more link weight, but also provide more transitions to it.

Where can I find resources to publish?

• We are looking for such sites through the RankinityLinks service.
• We work with them directly.

If you want to publish your article on a popular topic site, you cannot do without quality content or a good budget.

If before that you have already published quality content on your blog or on other people’s sites, then you should refer to them as an example.As a rule, this allows you to quickly negotiate with the blogger.

However, based on practice, in the most commercial topics, placement is possible only on a paid basis. The amount directly depends on the credibility of the resource.

At the same time, remember that you will have to spend a lot of time and possibly money on correspondence and establishing contacts. Therefore, it is better to immediately find an individual employee for the implementation of this task.

9. Blog Directory

For any type of resource, it is very important to create a blog and post articles in it. You can do this not even too often, the main thing is to monitor the quality. Blogs can also be placed in directories, thus getting even more backlinks.
Where to look?

Again, back to Google:

• blog directories list.
• blog directory + topic name.

Initially, you should start from thematic directories as much as possible, of course, if they are available. In the future, we pay attention to their credibility. Then we select all non-spam and available ones.
To get started, you can use this basic list – searchenginejournal.com/20-essential-blog-directories-to-submit-your-blog-to/. However, it will be more effective to select sites for specific purposes, and then gradually add your blog to them.

10. Paid directories

Many reputable directories go away over time, but this is not the case for all. As a rule, almost everyone, in order not to go bankrupt, but to continue working and developing, introduces an add-on on a paid basis. Examples of such directories are joeant.com, americasbest.com, business.com, ipl.org, botw.org, dir.yahoo.com.

You can pick up about 50 more or less normal such resources and work with them.

Where can you find these directories?

Again we go to the search engine and look for:

• paid directories list.

• paid directories.

Based on the results, we form a suitable list and proceed to adding our project. How quickly it will be added depends on your budget.

As practice shows, 20% of the total budget should be allocated to this method of obtaining links. However, as a rule, after 2-4 months, the list of normal resources ends.

11. Direct link posting

When implementing direct placement of links, the question immediately arises of where to get suitable sites or find webmaster contacts.

The way out is elementary – you need to go to thematic forums. Among them, blackhatworld.com is considered the most normal. There really is an opportunity to find quite normal offers for placing backlinks.

Our next steps:

• We look at sites.
• We check them.
• If the resource is really normal, we trade.
• We place.

According to statistics, 80% of all link sellers are Indians.

So, if you will search for links directly, you must:

• Collect information.
• Conduct analysis.

There are a lot of resources, everyone can find suitable ones for themselves, on almost any topic. The main thing is that there are funds for this.

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It is also recommended to visit the following forums:

• wickedfire.com.
• warriorforum.com.
• bestblackhatforum.com.

At first, you will have to spend your time on the general study of the forums. You will also need to chat a little with the forum users.


There is an opinion that this method has already lost its qualities. However, this rule applies only to gray niches.

By creating normal, intelligent comments, without spam, we can get:

• Traffic growth.
• Backlinks.
• Recognition.

What actions should be preferred in order to get a good effect?

• We form a list of blogs and sites. To find these resources, we again turn to the search engine. For example, “topsites + niche name”, “topblogs + niche name”, you can also add the word “list”. Also, you should pay attention to the comment forms used on these sites.

• Understanding the types of forms. For example, they are often found through social networks, standard forms of wordpress and disqus.
After that, we need to make a small plan for how commenting will be carried out. Now you can start.


• Dofollow non spammed blogs, we just go through them.
• Blogs where we need to comment regularly.

The method is quite efficient. It often happens that one of them is enough for a good site uplift.

13. Resource pages

Even now you can find sites with resource pages. On them, users are recommended other good resources.

Let’s look at an example:

In the Google search box, we need to enter “niche name” inurl:links. As a result, we have a list of resources on which these links exist. But, do not confuse with reference dumps.

What should be checked first?

• The quality of the resource itself.
• Method of link placement (for example, by brand and most of all to the main page).
Then we form a list of normal resources and write to their owners. Webmasters have a rather positive view of those sites that:
• Have a high-quality, beautiful, unique design.
• Filled with quality content.

If you have such a site, then it will not be difficult to add it to the resource pages, and promotion, in general, will be easier.

14. Donate links or donations

There are sites that, for a small fee (donation), will place a link to the resource you are promoting.

Where to find such resources

Again, the main thing is to be able to use Google search. We write in the search field:

• donate + contributor page.
• contributors + donation list.

Now you need to find these sites and the pages themselves. We choose the best options and publish. Based on practice, we can say that half of them are placed automatically, and the other half – manually.

At first, you can use only the first type of sites. But, be careful that they are sensible. Check everything, then pay and post links.

Very often there are sites in the .edu zone that have the ability to set backlinks. And people who are not deprived of imagination can also go to such powerful resources as indiegogo.com and kickstarter.com. We are looking for a resource or a product that establishes backlinks for a fee, we publish. Take the same Kickstarter, here you can buy links for $25-30.

15. Links from forums

You can effectively place links in discussion topics on forums. If the theme is really active and as topical as possible, you can get a lot of clicks to your site. In the English-speaking segment, there are even special companies that establish links for this.

What to do?

• Search for thematic forums and put links on your own. The process, of course, is not the easiest, but feasible. To do this, we need: software, human resource (you can freelancer), a guide to action. You can automate this process pretty well with BuzzBundle.

• Buy such a service from companies. You can, for example, contact refer.ru specialists. They also deal with the English-speaking segment.

When ordering, pay attention to the following points:

• Constantly check.
• Assess language literacy.
• Make a clear TOR.

You can also use special services where you will receive these links for money (seoclerks.com, fiverr.com). Most importantly, do not forget to monitor the quality.

16. Add to PDF directories.

Information and service-selling sites, as a rule, have a specific guideline:

• EBook.
• Presentation.
• Cases.
• Instructions.

There are directories where you can place PDF files and then get a link.

You can find such resources again in the search. Looking for “e-bookdirectorieslist”, “pdfdirectorylist”, “pdfdirectories”, etc. There can be hundreds of such sites, select and gradually add.

17. Links from Q&A resources

There are several similar services – answer.yahoo.com, quora.com and others. These are the largest, but there are also smaller ones, and with their own audience.

How to get links?

Here we act in the same way as on the forums. We work ourselves or give to someone. If you’re on your own, you can use BuzzBundle again. The main thing is to have time to answer in time, and sensibly.

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18. University graduates

Many are interested in the possibility of obtaining free links from university resources. Not bad for this is the section “Alumni”. For example, the Harvard Business School website is hbs.edu/entrepreneurship/. This section is dedicated to companies founded by school graduates.

Not the easiest option. But, we can do this:

• We are looking for similar sites with such categories.
• We negotiate with graduates.

This is where Facebook comes in very handy, with proper use, you can find a lot of such people. You also need to pay attention to the fact that the owner of the company whose website we are promoting may also be a graduate of some university. In addition, it is also in schools, and it is easier to get links there.

19. Interview

Although the method is already old, but it works. And it can also increase awareness. Interviews are best taken from more or less famous people in our niche. We only need to understand the topic a little and analyze the niche for such people.

Similar interviews can go to:

• Blogs.
• Local media.
• Websites of those who were interviewed.

The effect, of course, is highly dependent on the person being interviewed and the quality of the resulting material.

20. Adding to CSS directories

There are quite a few CSS galleries and resources that well-designed sites fall into. There are also services through which you can be added to such sites, for example, thecssgallerylist.com. Naturally, you will have to pay for this.

This makes it possible to dilute the link profile a little, since not many optimizers use this method now.

21. Startup directories

Startup is one of the most popular topics at the moment. This phenomenon has led to the creation of a large number of thematic resources from which we can get our links.
We will again be able to find such sites through Google. We are looking for Start up directory list and Submit start up.

Sites like betalist can get pretty good traffic. Plus, it will be targeted. There are many sites of this kind, although links are not indexed to all of them.

Again, we are looking for, filtering, forming a database, placing.Here is a good list of such resources – inboundio.com/blog/27-websites-to-submit-your-startup/.

22. Broken links

This is a good option for English-language resources. What are we doing:

• We are looking for thematic sites.
• Analyze for broken links (you can use Screamingfrog).
• We appeal to the administration with a request to install our link instead of a bat.

Everyone is on the plus side. You just need to approach correctly, explain that a broken link is not good.

23. Create mini-sites

You can develop a whole network of resources that will be used to promote the main one. In order to create them, you need:

• Find domains that have their own history and normal link profiles.
• Create content.
• Customize the site (on any convenient CMS).
• Be indexed.
• Updated periodically.
There are certain topics for which it will be more efficient to create your own satellites, rather than buying Hindu links.

24. Informers and widgets

Information sites need a widget. Often, large companies launch affiliate programs to distribute their widgets. Here are some simple examples:

• Air tickets.
• Tours.
• Weather.
• Exchange rates.

This will give us additional transitions. In addition, this will be the exchange of reference weight. Take a look at the largest shopping sites and you will see that they have been using this technology for a long time.

25. Free product, service, software

To solve some simple problem, you can create a free program. Then, we distribute it to thematic resources. As a rule, this gives a large flow of backlinks. It’s simple to do – analyze the niche for a specific problem, create a small free product that can solve it.


We see that there are a lot of methods for promotion in the English-speaking segment. You just need to try, analyze, look for new technologies. This will bring even more ideas for getting backlinks. You just need to search and do. Only in practice can you understand which methods work and which do not.

Free High-Quality Web Directory list Submission Sites 2023

List of Emerging Directory Submission Sites

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Top 10 Free Web Directory Submissions Sites List

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There are many 5000 directory submission sites list, but here is the high DA websites. Try these now!

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23https://www.livepopular.com/2048Free / Paid

List of Regional Directory Submission Site List

The more frequently you have regional links for your website, the better your website’s local online visibility and ranking will be.

When your website’s ranking increases, search engines will visit your web page more frequently and consider your website the most useful and relevant webpage.

Top 10 Free Web Directory Submission Sites of USA

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01https://www.jayde.com/3957Free / Paid
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Free Web Directories List of UK

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01https://www.splut.com/2951Free / Paid
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List of Niche Directory Submission Sites Free List

The more niche backlinks you create for your website, the more relevant backlinks you will have.

This will help improve your website’s authority in your niche, increase your website’s visibility in search engine results, and ultimately drive more traffic to your website.

Top 10 Free Web Marketing Niche Directory Submission Sites

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01https://www.ontoplist.com/4164Free / Paid
02https://www.submissionwebdirectory.com/3253Free / Paid
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Financial Directory Submission Sites List

Here is the top list of business finance web directories to submit your site for free.

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01https://www.directory.ac/3650Free / Paid
02https://www.allbusinessdirectory.biz/2149Free / Paid
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