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      jay jordan jones wrote a new post

      a portable gaming console with hologram function

      A portable video game console with hologram function. A portable video game console with a hologram function is a device that allows the user to enjoy the gameplay using holographic technology. The scheme of such a prefix may include the...

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      jay jordan jones wrote a new post

      plasma detonation engine

      Plasma Detonation Engine (PDE) is a new development in the field of rocket engines. It uses plasma explosions to generate thrust. The plasma subsidy engine circuit includes the following main components: 1. Combustion chamber: the main element of the engine in...

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      jay jordan jones wrote a new post

      laser ion engine

      A laser-ion engine is a type of electric rocket engine that uses the physical phenomena of the interaction of laser radiation with ionized atoms or molecules to create thrust. The basic scheme of the laser-ion engine includes: 1. Power supply -...

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      jay jordan jones wrote a new post

      laser ion plasma engine

      The scheme of the laser-ion plasma engine includes the following main components: 1. Ion engine: There is an ion generator inside the engine, which is responsible for the gas ionization process and the creation of an ion flow. The gas...

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      jay jordan jones wrote a new post

      a computer projector with the function a game console

      A computer projector with the function of a game console has the following structure: Housing - The housing houses all the elements of the projector, including the lamp, lens, cooling system and control boards. The lamp is the main light source...

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