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    a portable gaming console with hologram function

    A portable video game console with hologram function.

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    plasma detonation engine

    Plasma Detonation Engine (PDE) is a new development in the field of rocket engines. It uses plasma explosions to generate thrust. The plasma subsidy engine circuit includes the following main components: 1. Combustion chamber: the main element of the engine in which plasma generation and its subsidization takes place. The combustion chamber has numerous openings […]

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    laser ion engine

    A laser-ion engine is a type of electric rocket engine that uses the physical phenomena of the interaction of laser radiation with ionized atoms or molecules to create thrust. The basic scheme of the laser-ion engine includes: 1. Power supply – provides electrical energy to power the system. 2. Reservoir with working substance – stores […]

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    laser ion plasma engine

    The scheme of the laser-ion plasma engine includes the following main components: 1. Ion engine: There is an ion generator inside the engine, which is responsible for the gas ionization process and the creation of an ion flow. The gas is supplied through a special entrance to the engine. 2. Laser system: Lasers are used […]

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    a computer projector with the function a game console

    A computer projector with the function of a game console has the following structure: Housing – The housing houses all the elements of the projector, including the lamp, lens, cooling system and control boards. The lamp is the main light source of the projector, which creates the image on the screen. Lens is the component […]

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